Saturday, February 8, 2014

Small Orgone Accumulator with joule Theives

Top View
I made this Orgone Accumulator pendant using Castin' Craft clear liquid casting resin from Michaels. For a mold I used a small glass candle holder. I created some circuitry in this one. All the copper coils are linked to joule thieves made of copper wire wound around magnetized ferrite steel. The copper wire comes together in the middle and is wound around the large crystal you see on the top. There is also smaller crystals in between each copper coil.

Top Zoom
Closer view

Bottem View
In the bottom view of this orgone accumulator you can see small pieces of magnetized ferrite (stuff in black). I put a large SBB coil in here to pull the ether energy from the bottom and direct it over the circuitry inside. The cleaned energy is blasted out the top.

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